
AIA Conference on Architecture: Architect & Developer
In June 2018, I spoke at the A’18, the AIA Conference on Architecture about my research of architects self-initiating their own work. I was joined by Alex Barrett of Barrett Design, Jared Della Valle of Alloy, and Peter Guthrie of…
AIA Conference on Architecture: Architect & Developer
In June 2018, I spoke at the A’18, the AIA Conference on Architecture about my research of architects self-initiating their own work. I was joined by Alex Barrett of Barrett Design, Jared Della Valle of Alloy, and Peter Guthrie of…
Architect & Developer: A Guide to Self-Initiating Projects
Architect & Developer, A Guide to Self-Initiating Projects is available for purchase through Amazon.com. See more information on Architect & Developer at architectanddeveloper.com
The traditional role of the architect is far too passive and uncertain. The profession has positioned itself …

Architect & Developer: A Guide to Self-Initiating Projects
Architect & Developer, A Guide to Self-Initiating Projects is available for purchase through Amazon.com. See more information on Architect & Developer at architectanddeveloper.com
The traditional role of the architect is far too passive and uncertain. The profession has positioned itself …

Professional Work
Spring 2015
5 months
Schematic Design
I was approached to look at a feasibility study on renovating a brownstone to increase rental value of two-apartments, and create a unique experience for the owner’s apartment. The existing brownstone…

Professional Work
Spring 2015
5 months
Schematic Design
I was approached to look at a feasibility study on renovating a brownstone to increase rental value of two-apartments, and create a unique experience for the owner’s apartment. The existing brownstone…

Graduate Work
Spring 2014
12 weeks
crits: David Adjaye w/ Brian Butterfield
Yale School of Architecture
The garment industry has become the primary catalyst of the Bengali economy. With over 4 million garment workers in Bangladesh, most of which …

Graduate Work
Spring 2014
12 weeks
crits: David Adjaye w/ Brian Butterfield
Yale School of Architecture
The garment industry has become the primary catalyst of the Bengali economy. With over 4 million garment workers in Bangladesh, most of which …

While studying architecture at Yale University, I also work at the Office of Sustainability. I work at trying to raise awareness of the work of the office through brochures, reports, and posters while encouraging action from university staff, faculty, and …

While studying architecture at Yale University, I also work at the Office of Sustainability. I work at trying to raise awareness of the work of the office through brochures, reports, and posters while encouraging action from university staff, faculty, and …

Graduate Work
Spring 2014
1 week
crit: Deborah Berke
Yale School of Architecture
Using a minimum of two dissimilar materials, we were charged to create a joint detail specific to those materials. The project was to be built at …

Graduate Work
Spring 2014
1 week
crit: Deborah Berke
Yale School of Architecture
Using a minimum of two dissimilar materials, we were charged to create a joint detail specific to those materials. The project was to be built at …

Graduate Work
Fall 2013
11 weeks
with: Brian Hong
crits: Alan Plattus w/ Andrei Harwell
Yale School of Architecture
As China’s growth continues, investment into its infrastructure has taken an unplanned surge. While it is growing at unprecedented speeds, …

Graduate Work
Fall 2013
11 weeks
with: Brian Hong
crits: Alan Plattus w/ Andrei Harwell
Yale School of Architecture
As China’s growth continues, investment into its infrastructure has taken an unplanned surge. While it is growing at unprecedented speeds, …

Graduate Work
Spring 2013
seminar project
with: Swarnabh Ghosh
prof: Keller Easterling
Yale School of Architecture
My partner, Swarnabh and I come from Houston and Dehli, warm environments where the outdoors can be enjoyed year-round. Moving to New Haven…

Graduate Work
Spring 2013
seminar project
with: Swarnabh Ghosh
prof: Keller Easterling
Yale School of Architecture
My partner, Swarnabh and I come from Houston and Dehli, warm environments where the outdoors can be enjoyed year-round. Moving to New Haven…

Graduate Work
Spring 2013
14 weeks
crits: Pier Vittorio Aureli with Aidan Doyle
Yale School of Architecture
The following project is a derivative of the research project Terminal Labor.
“Once it had been discovered that labor was the source …

Graduate Work
Spring 2013
14 weeks
crits: Pier Vittorio Aureli with Aidan Doyle
Yale School of Architecture
The following project is a derivative of the research project Terminal Labor.
“Once it had been discovered that labor was the source …

While studying architecture at Yale University, I also work at the Office of Sustainability. I work at trying to raise awareness of the work of the office through brochures, reports, and posters while encouraging action from university staff, faculty, and …

While studying architecture at Yale University, I also work at the Office of Sustainability. I work at trying to raise awareness of the work of the office through brochures, reports, and posters while encouraging action from university staff, faculty, and …